31 October 2005
29 October 2005
19 October 2005
17 October 2005
To spice up my chatbox, I have added several smilies.
Go crazy!!!

Smilies taken from Mazeguy Smilies.
08 October 2005
they're taken!
Guy 1 is a 4th year law student. I don't know much about him yet. I met him at work, and he's usually in the office when I go there, which is, of course, a good thing for me. He's smart, hardworking, and boringly cute (hah!). I like making little talks with him, light conversations which usually perk up my otherwise tiring evenings.
Yesterday, I found out he already has a girlfriend.
Guy 2 is a graduating engineering student. He's a classmate in two subjects, a groupmate in one. I've seen him around before, but I noticed him just recently in class. I like his smile. I also admire his diligence and the effort he puts into his studies. For a time I wondered why he was that hardworking.
Yesterday, I found out he's married, and he already has a kid. I met his wife and his cute baby girl.