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27 December 2005

i prefer nonfiction.

for you.

Cholle's Random Movie Quote:

'I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands.'

- Rhett Butler, Gone with the Wind

Take this quiz at

07 December 2005


My horoscope from Yahoo! on 06 December, 2005.

cholle2001's Daily Libra Forecast
Quickie: Everyone's urging you to try something new, but the same-old same-old is A-OK too.
Overview: You'll be quite busy now, and loving every minute of it. Oh, and speaking of love (always your favorite topic) someone who's recently become a member of your current peer group will catch your attention -- and actually hold onto it. Imagine that!
Daily couples love
Your intellectual connection is hot, hot, hot at the moment. Let others have their candlelit dinners; a game of chess or a spirited political debate is much more your tandem speed -- and way sexier.
Daily singles love
Someone who's very different from you may pique your interest right now, proving that opposites do, indeed, attract. Don't deny it -- go with it. You'll learn something.
Daily flirt
Don't doubt the magical power of spontaneity. You could use some novelty in your life (whether in the form of new people or experiences), so be open to anything fun -- or even crazy -- that comes along.
Daily extended
You've got that certain glow -- the one that indicates your intellect is engaged and producing some pretty sweet heat up in the ol' noggin. You're never sexier than when you're so occupied with being creatively engaged that you're not even paying attention. Someone, however, is about to break through and catch your notice, and this should signal the establishment of a very nice two-person mutual admiration society.

Ehem... ano raw?