this is cholle's blog.

what are you doing here?

13 October 2006

when i'm done with thinking, then i'm done with you.

Yes. I'm done with him.

08 October 2006

thank you.

Jeneline. Angelo. Teejay. Magelle. Bernard. Bananie. Dyan. Niño. Mike. Allan O. Jali. Romeo. Mark Fel. RR. Joel. Jal. Pam. Sarah. Kel. Riley. Rose. Venson. Emil. Joseph. JP. Primo. Steph. Francis. KG. Hernan. Archie. Norman. Tish. SJ. Orange. Kiko S. Haydee. Johaira. Sheilah. Titus. Abdel. Ma-ann. Kats. Tin P. Mick. Elma. Tee.